The problems, struggles and frustrations with money that get created are showing you one thing....
That another reality is available.
You see, stuggle, frustration, problems and issues are all symptoms of incongruency to what is available to you.
It's programing of this reality.
It's not unique, special or even naturally you.
Yes, really, what is currently available to you right now is so much more, and it's already in your field.
The heaviness, sadness and even the energy of lack and not enough, all just data.
Symptoms of a greater reality, awaiting for you to put more energy and attention into creating it.
This reality is backward.
We are taught to fix the problems, sulk, be ashamed, refuse abundance, not create without hard work, that spending is joyful...
And if you were lucky enough to have some contributory financial education, then you might be better off than most.
However, who taught you how to BE with money?
Did you learn how to craft your energetic reality with money, wealth, business or dare I say profit?
Likely, if you are here on this page, there might be a missing element in your world, one that could unlock the doorway to the finanical reality that is waiting for you.
Would you like to open that door, walk through to the other side and HAVE the reality that is awaiting you?
Ok, let's go! Scroll down and get enrolled, and you can start with the Plenty of Money Activation and Class #1:
In the Bin Day! Release everyone of your secret money limitations.