Current Course is closed. 
Join the waitlist for the next one in March below!
Next Course Begins April 4. 
🦄 Even Brilliant & magical people 🦄
Deal with inner conflict 
Discover the source of your inner conflict and move beyond into your brilliance,
and it's way eaiser than you think!
Imagine a life where you are not fighting yourself, where you can choose with clarity,  leave inner conflict in your past and live the brilliant life you know is possible!
  • Asking for money, business, relationships and the opposite showing up?
  • Taking some actions, but not following through and not knowing why
  • Saying you want something but not doing anything about it
  • Not believing it can actually happen, when you know intuitively it can
  • Having fear of being judged
  • Not having what you just KNOW is possible
  • Ease with having money, business, relationships show up?
  • Your actions create massive creation in your life
  • Follow through on what you say you'd like?
  • Know that what you are aware of IS possible and YOU CAN HAVE IT!
  • Not being fearful of being judged
  • Have the life you just KNOW is possible!
Have you done tons of classes, worked on yourself,
done energetic clearings but still have:
  • Self Sabotage
  •  Inner Conflict 
  •  Self Doubt
If you could  have an INTUITIVE "sharp shooter" on your team that can eradicate that inner conflict quickly AND show you how to do it over and over again, would that contribute to creating all of this?
What is it like when you are confident in your choices?
Yeah that!  
Move on with your life and create what you
know is possible:
  •  Quit wasting time, over thinking
  •  Direct your energy into creation
  •  Stop struggling and have ease
😍 What will that be like?!!! 😍
The inner conflict you can resolve shows up  in multiple ways:
  • Asking for 1 thing, but doing something different.
  • Saying you'd like something but not following through.
  • Going for it, but the opposite shows up
  • You don't really know what to do or be to have it
  • DOUBT..... need I say more?
All this leaves you "feeling":
  • Like a failure 😰 (but you know you aren't)
  •  That it's not possible 🙄 (but you know it is)
  •  Depressed 😒 (But you aren't really)
  •  Frustrated 😬 (cause you know it's possible)
  •  In a fog 😵 (like you are living someone else's life)
Is this a chronic issue? 
If it's been going on for more than 3 years, it's a chronic issue that might seem like you are totally flawed.
But.... I have some spectacular news for you!
😍 You are not flawed! 😍
But you already knew that didn't you?
And you are potent AF if you created all that!
You just have some bogus programming that we can identify and remove from your world. Once this 'virus' so to speak is removed from your system, what you know to be possible will be.  Just like your computer system, if you have a virus it just doesn't work right. You my brilliant friend are not messed up. And you don’t have to live like this for another year.

What will it be like to have confidence, follow through and know you can create ANYTHING you choose?

Would you like to begin to know that version of yourself?
Sometimes, it's the most brilliant and magical people who struggle with inner conflict the most because they think they should be over it by now.  Especially if you have done a lot of work, read the books, had the sessions, did the clearings.

But you know..... don't you?
You know it is possible to:
  • LIVE the life you desire! 😃
  • Feel amazing about yourself 🤩
  • Actualize accomplish, create, what you know is possible 🦄
  • Magic ON and turn it up to live in the space of curiosity and receiving 🧞‍♀️
  • EASE in choices, creation and receiving 💎
Have you been asking to resolve
your inner conflict and have more EASE in your life? 🙄
You are invited to join me to receive this one time live recorded facilitation of this brand new Masterclass, Brilliance Beyond Inner Conflict.

Where I'll assist you in identifying the source of your inner conflict and then remove it through a process that empowers you to choose beyond your past.

This Masterclass will take you through the Resolving Inner Conflict Process I've created and used myself over and over to out-create my life, relationships, finances, and business.  Once you know how to do this for yourself, you can repeat the process with any inner conflict you have.

Cory, give me all the deets!
You'll receive LIVE recorded group walk through facilitation of the
Resolving Inner Conflict Process® I use with my
brilliant, magical clients, and myself!
Where you will identify your inner conflict, and resolve it.

👉🏻 What you'll receive:
2.5 hour live recorded facilitation through the Resolving Inner Conflict Process
Q&A at the end
Video recording in our membership area
Resolving Inner Conflict worksheet 
mp3 + m4a Audio Recording
Activation Audio

👉🏻 Will this work for me?
This is one of the inner conflicts we addressed!
This one stems deep and seems like it's normal to doubt yourself like this.
We walked through this one specifically.

👉🏻 I've tried everything, will this work for me?
Another inner conflict issue we explored in this session.

1 Payment
$997 USD
save $44
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$347 x 3 USD
Total $1041 USD
ALCP Graduate
For unicorns who have taken the ALCP online or in person before.
$450 USD
Countdown until  Art of Living Crazy Possible
Global Online Program Closes!
Be with us LIVE anywhere in the world!
Additional information in the FAQ section below
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What Graduates Are Saying
Allow yourself to be inspired!
I am free!
Going through the Resolving Inner Conflict Process I was able to finally identify an energy, and 'issue' I'd had my entire life but was not able to resolve on my own.  No matter what I processed or did, it was always there.  I thought I was going to have to live with it!  But I KNEW that I didn't have to.  Doing this process unhooked it, brought it to the forefront, and now it's gone.  It's a miracle of a lifetime chronic issue.  Just gone!
- Deb Brosnan, NY
What's your life like when you aren't conflicted?
"I can finally relax!"
"I don't judge myself any more!"
"I don't spin, and spin and over think choices."
"I have so much more space and can perceive the light choices now"
In Case we have not met, I'm Cory Michelle,
I am a guide for brilliant, conscious minded and wicked smart entrepreneurs to jump tracks to be BEing the potent, magic future self, and create as the contribution and gift they came to be.

I've created a method to easily get you from where you are now, to living the inspiring life you are aware that is possible for you.  The one you dream about.

Together we collapse time and space to actualize future realities now through energy, space, consciousness, and BEing.  

I am an intuitive, empath, wizard and love seeing my client's timeline hop into the reality that is awaiting their arrival.

* Results vary depending on what you are willing to choose after the program.
Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I join via video or audio?
YES!  you can join in anywhere in the world!  Video or audio.

Country Pricing
Due to currency differences globally, we have created a currency adjustment.

All classes charged in USD, so if your credit card charges fees for international purchases, you are responsible for those.

To use a currency adjustment code you must reside in that country.  If you register with e currency code and do not live in that country, you will be asked to pay the difference.  We hope you honor you and us and not choose this and create an awkward situation for both of us.

These are not discounts.  They are adjustments to allow currencies that are not as strong as the Euro and USD to participate.

If you have any questions about currency adjustment codes, please email us here

New Zealand, India - ALCPNZ
Canada & Australia - ALCPCA
No Code for America, Most of Europe, Japan

How will we clear energetic patterns?
In this course we will empower your choice to let any and all energetic patterns, stories and limitations go. Choice is your trump card, and we will show you a way to create that allows you to come out of the spin of clearing all the time, and into creating what you desire. No more years of emotional processing to move beyond energetic blocks holding you back.

Is this using Access Consciousness® tools?
While I love the AC tools, no. This is a process I discovered with myself first that I have been using for 4 years to eliminate my personal inner conflict. I began sharing it with my clients in the art of Living Crazy Possible program and they began to experience dynamic changes.  
This process is uniquely a Cory MIchelle process.

Click here to email our customer service magicians. Please be specific in your issue so they can get you the resolution quickly!
Cory Michelle, UnicornCEO
Creator of The Art Of Living Crazy Possible®
Empowering you to create your crazy possible life!
Cory Michelle & Crazy Possible - COPYRIGHT @ 2018 - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 
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