Our Australia Gold Coast event is on pause until COVID-19 is settled.
Currently, our video version is available.

If you are ready to have energetic mastery to be the version of you who
Receives Millions,
this video course is for you!

One small tweak, and I was out of a lifetime of self judgment...

Cory has the ability to shift patterns in a pragmatic way.
"I was actually making myself wrong, and expected her to validate that wrongness... instead, she did this!"
 - Thomas Gray

Announcing our Big Give!

Hello gorgeous!
We have encroached a time many visionary leaders have been preparing for. Now more than ever before is the time to step into who you actually came to be...

...now is the time to lead!

A few weeks ago I facilitated my brand new event, Receiving Millions, Being You, a process to claim BEing the version of you who get's to BE YOU and RECEIVE millions.

While on the plane flying back to Australia, witnessing the world being swept into chaos, I asked, what contribution can I be to the world?

Guess what answer the universe sent me. 

It was to Offer Receiving Millions, Being You for a donation only to the Save the Koala Foundation.

So what we've done is set up a watch party event so global light-workers, visionaries and leaders can tap in all at the same time to have this energetic upgrade.

Now is the time we've been preparing for!

Take a look at the event information below and if it is calling to you, click either Australia Times or USA Times and get yourself registered.

You'll register, then donate.
All details will be sent via email.

Together, we are creating new realities, and every single one of us is required to step up and lead.  

Can I assist you?

Cory Michelle

PS - To receive this donation option you must register before March 27, and will have access to the videos for 30 days.

  • Activate & Unleash the version of you who has mastery with the energetics of receiving millions
  • Transform outdated limitations and habits and accelerate your ability to BE the new, abundant you.
  • Discover who you are as someone who is fully expressed and highly valuable.
  • ​​Identify your unique Receiving Millions Being You Design that you can anchor in to support you in not slipping back.
  • ​Become  non-reactive to money, enabling yourself to access the highest version of your consciousness at all times.
  • Learn To think, choose, and receive like a millionaire creator. 
  • Embody the version of you who receives everything you ask for, trust your awareness and engage as if you are already that version of you now. 

I knew she had what I needed...

"From Receiving Millions, being You we get to play outside of the Matrix, Cory is a great reminder to be yourself, be you! If there is something there, you don't have the words for that she is saying or being, trust that and go for it!"
 - Pia, California

Now is the time to activate, become, embody the version of you, you came to be!  

No more fluffing around, the world needs you.

Yes you!  Read on my friend!

I've crafted this event to allow you to step into
🌟 Knowing exactly what is in your way.
🌟 How to transmute it.
🌟 With energetic training to have mastery in fulfilling upon this new             upgraded version of yourself.

This event is designed to take you through the process of transforming yourself and your life from where you are now, into the YOU that has a totally different reality.

Specifically, the you who can fully self express yourself & receive millions.

This includes, you trusting your awareness.

I will show you: 
🌟 how to transmute energetic addictions, fear, judgments & self sabotage, opening you to the true power you have access to.

This event is not for you if you are resistant. 
I cannot assist you if you are digging your heels in trying to prove nothing will work for you. 
Stay home.

This event is for you if you've tried everything and are frustrated AF, and KNOW 2020 is your year to open the doors to who you truly are AND receive millions.
👉 You're willing to go there, go deep and HAVE this new version of yourself.

Now, I will mention that this event is not a business event.

We will not be talking business strategy, crafting your message, or teaching you how to sell.

These 2 days are purely getting you congruent with the next version of YOU and bringing in those potentials that are waiting or you.

Like, nothing held back. No BS. No Fluff.  

You'll clear your morphogenic field, your 'soul' from the past, present future, imprints, not you's, vows, commitments, and bogus value systems.

✨ Transmuting fear of success.
✨ Transmuting fear of not being able to sustain it.
✨ Transmuting self sabotage.
✨ Transmuting the unconscious need to belong.
✨ Transmuting fear of jinxing your success.
✨ Transmuting fear of losing all that is holding you back.
And more....

Are you ready to trust yourself fully and go there?

Join me to transform into the version of you who IS fully YOU AND receive millions.

Do not delay unlocking the gold mine within you, 
join us for this event!

 But... Millions, that sounds like so much!
Or not enough!

Would it be valuable to you to:

  • Activate & Unleash the version of you who has mastery with the energetics of receiving millions
  • Transform outdated limitations and habits and accelerate your ability to BE the new, abundant you.
  • Discover who you are as someone who is fully expressed and highly valuable.
  • ​​Identify your unique Receiving Millions Being You Design that you can anchor in to support you in not slipping back.
  • ​Become  non-reactive to money, enabling yourself to access the highest version of your consciousness at all times.
  • Learn To think, choose, and receive like a millionaire creator. 
  • Embody the version of you who receives everything you ask for, trust your awareness and engage as if you are already that version of you now. 
  • Activate & Unleash the version of you who has mastery with the energetics of receiving millions
  • Transform outdated limitations and habits and accelerate your ability to BE the new, abundant you.
  • Discover who you are as someone who is fully expressed and highly valuable.
  • ​​Identify your unique Receiving Millions Being You Design that you can anchor in to support you in not slipping back.
  • ​Become  non-reactive to money, enabling yourself to access the highest version of your consciousness at all times.
  • Learn To think, choose, and receive like a millionaire creator. 
  • Embody the version of you who receives everything you ask for, trust your awareness and engage as if you are already that version of you now. 

In This 2-day Live Activation Event You Will...

✨ Activate a new blueprint for your future.
BECOME in real life this next version of you - PRACTICING the new energies.
✨ Anchoring in a frequency of receiving.
✨ Pragmatic knowing HOW to be that version of you now.
✨ What to put your attention and energy into moving forward into 2020 so that you stop blocking money & magic from being an every day part of your life.

This will not be a multi speaker pitch fest, we will go deep into crafting your future. I also have planned an activating experience so that you have the chance to embody this version of you. These activation events are amazing and have already transformed lives, opening the floodgates to receiving.

Having Energetic Mastery with creating, generating and actualizing money by being you, will change your life forever. It truly is a gift for yourself.

I was function from being addicted to my story, but now I am free!

"Cory Michelle's work has actually saved my life. I would be in a totally different place in my life if it weren't for taking classes with her. I realized how attached I was to the story of 'overcoming' and that was feeding my relationships. I started wondering who I am from a place of power, and it changed everything."

- Rioha Little, Colorado



Get to the core of what is holding you back and transmute the s*hit out of it.
👉 Energetic Addictions with Money, Poverty, Lack.
👉 Vows to never create beyond your family, culture, partner, being a woman, God.
👉 Spinning & overwhelm.
👉 Over giving/people pleasing, settling.
👉 Denying and anti-trust of your awareness.
👉 Unconscious blocks with money that create self sabotage.
👉 Refusal to be accountable.
👉 Hiding, Fear
And more...

Day 1


Acknowledge what is actually TRUE for you and step into it!

👉 You will tap into your purpose in this life that will offer you clarity to how to access millions and express yourself.

👉 Identify and craft the future version of you who is 100% self expressed & who IS receiving millions.

👉 Activate new light frequency coding to access money.

👉 SPECIAL GUEST: Frequency Activation to raise your energetic blueprint to your new set point.

Day 2

Activate & Integrate Your Power

Use and become this version of you that CAN and WILL create Millions.

👉 Integrate the new you into your reality now.

👉 Prepare your attention for abundance.

👉 Meditation to access unconscious knowledge of receiving millions.

👉 Integrate the future version of you, you are CAPTIVATED with being.

👉 Step into being a magnet attracting everything you ask for.

No more excuses.
No more complaints.
Purely stepping into becoming a NEW YOU.
The YOU Who Receives Millions, Being Yourself.

   Dear brilliant visionary, 
What you are aware of is real, and it is what you are here to catalyze into reality. 

I see you.  
I feel you.  
I get you.

You are being invited to evolve into the version of you that has this new reality come alive.


Becoming this version of you, your 'future self', is about knowing yourself as the one who is the vibration, takes congruent actions, trusts your intuitive awareness, follows the nudges, BEs a leader, and says yes to this role...and ultimately becomes the one who actualizes her vision.

However, there isn't a special school for visionaries, so we're taught how to be 'normal' and struggle with this normalcy until we embrace the true nature of who we are. 

Magical Powerful Aware Kind Empathic Beautiful Beings.

The training, programming, and conditioning that teach us to doubt ourselves, to be ordinary and like everyone else. It just creates frustration, yet yearning for more, more of who you came to BE. 
Yearning to be free to BE who you came to be.

Now there is an UN-education that invites you to evolve from the teachings of this world and become the embodied visionary you came to be.

Unleashing you, your life and your wisdom into the world, that will naturally, create a new reality, the one you know is possible.

If this is you, if you are being called by this message, and are tired of bits and pieces and ready for full support in your evolution, join us for 3 days that will uplevel your life, and EVOLVE.
To Join Us,
simply choose USA or AUSTRALIA
& register:
Video Course
Access Immediately

Full Investment is not $797 USD

$297 for a limited time

A simple charitable DONATION to the Australian Koala Foundation of an amount you choose!

March 28-29

Full Investment is not $297 USD

A simple charitable DONATION to the Australian Koala Foundation of an amount you choose!


"When I said yes to working with Cory, I received the investment back and a gig paying double what I was making before! It was like turning on the fire hose!"  
Michelle R. Australia

As A Visionary, Do You Struggle With…
  • DOUBT: Not trusting your awareness, or that you can have the money you desire, or making mistakes with money.
  • Confidence: Do you second guess yourself, and maybe that it is even possible to have ease with money
  • SABOTAGE SELF: You know what to do, you have the awarenesses but don't follow through, and choose things that keep yourself small.
  • IMPULSIVE SPENDING: You can easily discover a better, faster way for anything and you don't understand why others don't get it.
  • AVOIDANCE: ​ You'd love a world of peace & oneness yet it seems this world is focused on separation, competition, anger, and war.
  • SELF-JUDGMENT: It's been hard for you to release the judgments from others and yourself.
  • ​THINK YOU SHOULD BE FURTHER ALONG BY NOW:  You can feel everything (it seems) and you have a hard time determining what is yours and strengthening your energetic field so that you don't get caught up in other's dramas.
  • SETTLING: You got really good at normal life (or job), however you deeply desire to be set free to live as the true creative you, and have an abundance of magic and self expression.  You just KNOW you're here for more than a normal life.
  • DOUBT: Not trusting what you are aware of could come to fruition.
  • FITTING IN: You are different ,and you see the the world differently than others.  You are the black sheep of your family 
  • SABOTAGE SELF: You know what to do, you have the awarenesses but don't follow through, and choose things that keep yourself small.
  • ​BEING TOO FAST: You can easily discover a better, faster way for anything and you don't understand why others don't get it.
  • KINDNESS: ​ You'd love a world of peace & oneness yet it seems this world is focused on separation.
  • JUDGMENTS: It's been hard for you to release the judgments from others and yourself.
  • EMPATHIC:  You can feel everything (it seems) and you have had hard time determining what is yours and strengthening your energetic field so that you don't get caught up in other's dramas.
  • STUCK IN A NORMAL LIFE: You got really good at normal life (or job), however you deeply desire to be set free to live as the true creative you, and have an abundance of magic and self expression.
You're not alone.
All of this is showing you
it's time to ACTIVATE MONEY.
As A Visionary, Would You Like to Have…
  • MAGIC: Open the flood gates for The Magic You Know Is Possible In Your Life?
  • CLARITY: Get Real Clarity About Your Life’s Greater Purpose?
  • ​INTUITIVE AWARENESS: Tap Directly Into Your Intuition So You Can Make Choices & Take Action With Certainty?
  • ​ACTUALIZE: Embody Confidence that what you desire will become real?
  • PURE JOY: ​ Have Joy And Adventure Every Day Of Your Life?
  • KNOWING: How to shift your frequency to be congruent with the next evolution of your life.
  • FREEDOM: To be the next version of you with confidence no matter how different it might be from who you have been in the past?
  • Create more by doing less: Relax into receiving, allowing the universe to do the work for you.
  • ​MAGIC: Open the flood gates for the magic you know is possible In your life?
  • CLARITY: Get real clarity about your life’s greater purpose, and the impact and legacy you'll be?
  • ​INTUITIVE AWARENESS: Tap directly into your intuition so you can make choices & take action with certainty?
  • ​ACTUALIZE: Embody the confidence that what you desire will become real?
  • PURE JOY: ​ Have joy and adventure every day of your life?
  • KNOWING: How to shift your frequency to be congruent with the next evolution of your life.
  • FREEDOM: To be the next version of you with confidence no matter how different it might be from who you've been in the past?
RECEIVE MILLIONS, BEING YOU is designed to activate the abundance codes within you that allow your natural state of abundance to become your every day way of being.

I'll share exactly how it works at this magical 
2-day event
I did a quantum jump to the parallel universe!  Becoming congruent and knowing how I create has had pure magic show up!  I am loving being able to hit my targets with ease, like paying off $27,000, having more money in my savings than I thought possible, having my classes fill up, being able to buy my son one of our favorite cars, and so much more.  This congruency thing is the magic I was seeking!
Susan Russo - USA
I knew that creating a business was what I wanted, but I was lost in choosing what could create it. After the ALCP course and Creation Academy, I can tap into the energies I'd like to have, ask for them, then I am aware of the choices that are congruent. It's so magical and easy! I've had the most amazing experiences I know it has all showed up because I choose it! What else is possible now? 
-Manjit Khalsa, Australia
 ticket includes:
 1. 2 Video Clearing Session to address issues that have kept you stuck, stalled and having a gap.
 - Cory's brand new transmutation process that allows you to identify non-congruent blocks and behaviors, unhook them and set yourself free!
2.  Videos of the event from February in Denver in 2020 (brand new content!)
3.  Access to videos in your member's area
4.  Special session to Activate Your Energy Field with Quantum Codes
5.  Receiving Millions Playbook (37 pages)
6.  2 full days for you to map out your future that includes receiving millions being you!
I did a quantum jump to the parallel universe!  Becoming congruent and knowing how I create has had pure magic show up!  I am loving being able to hit my targets with ease, like paying off $27,000, having more money in my savings than I thought possible, having my classes fill up, being able to buy my son one of our favorite cars, and so much more.  This congruency thing is the magic I was seeking!
Susan Russo - USA
I knew that creating a business was what I wanted, but I was lost in choosing what could create it. After the ALCP course and Creation Academy, I can tap into the energies I'd like to have, ask for them, then I am aware of the choices that are congruent. It's so magical and easy! I've had the most amazing experiences I know it has all showed up because I choose it! What else is possible now? 
-Manjit Khalsa, Australia
“If you want to receive millions, unlimited, ongoing and never ending, you have to become the you
who has that reality and stop resisting everything that is available to you."

Cory Michelle

is for you if you are...

  • A Visionary & Energetic creator ready to HAVE the millions you know is possible!
  • Are ready to drop your limitations and allow yourself to receive even though it might be uncomfortable!
  • Have been holding back the message you are here to share with the world!
  • ​Aware of blocks to receiving more money than you ever have, AND never compromise who you are!
  • A Visionary & Energetic creator ready to HAVE the millions you know is possible!
  • Are ready to drop your limitations and allow yourself to receive even though it might be uncomfortable!
  • Have been holding back the message you are here to share with the world!
  • ​Aware of blocks to receiving more money than you ever have, AND never compromise who you are!

Hi, I am Cory!  

Truly, because I wish I had this event 23 years ago.
When I had my first awareness that so much more was possible for me that was beyond what my family had created I began a life long search to access and unlock the level of consciousness for myself that can have an unlimited lifestyle.

I was partly excited about this, and partly not confident I could do it, deserved it or that I had enough value to create it.

I searched for the magic pill for years, hoping that the next psychic, energy process or clearing would do the trick and miraculously make me a millionaire. But alas, none of that was the full key to unlocking my receiving.

It's 2020, and to be honest, I feel your future selves calling to be free, to be full, to be expressed and to be receiving and I'd love to share the secrets I've discovered and have applied to create multiple millions over the last few years.

This information & experience should NOT be a secret, are you ready to unlock the doors to receiving millions being you? I'd love to have you join us!
* Results vary depending on what you are willing to choose.  This event gives you the tools to do it with greater ease and faster.
I did a quantum jump to the parallel universe!  Becoming congruent and knowing how I create has had pure magic show up!  I am loving being able to hit my targets with ease, like paying off $27,000, having more money in my savings than I thought possible, having my classes fill up, being able to buy my son one of our favorite cars, and so much more.  This congruency thing is the magic I was seeking!
Susan Russo - USA
I knew that creating a business was what I wanted, but I was lost in choosing what could create it. After the ALCP course and Creation Academy, I can tap into the energies I'd like to have, ask for them, then I am aware of the choices that are congruent. It's so magical and easy! I've had the most amazing experiences I know it has all showed up because I choose it! What else is possible now? 
-Manjit Khalsa, Australia
“Who are you resisting being that if you expressed her would open the floodgates to millions?"

Cory Michelle
  • MAGIC: Open the flood gates for The Magic You Know Is Possible In Your Life?
  • CLARITY: Get Real Clarity About Your Life’s Greater Purpose?
  • ​INTUITIVE AWARENESS: Tap Directly Into Your Intuition So You Can Make Choices & Take Action With Certainty?
  • ​ACTUALIZE: Embody Confidence that what you desire will become real?
  • PURE JOY: ​ Have Joy And Adventure Every Day Of Your Life?
  • KNOWING: How to shift your frequency to be congruent with the next evolution of your life.
  • FREEDOM: To be the next version of you with confidence no matter how different it might be from who you have been in the past?
Do you ever feel like...
to create the magic of living?
What's required isn't more work on yourself, it's an evolution.
The issue with self help is that......
There is nothing wrong with you... Nothing!!!

But if you've been on the path of clearing all the energies, healing everything, learning all the techniques, this message is for you.

You've done your work.  It's time to EVOLVE.
And if you are finding this message and you are new to personal growth, this event might be a bit advanced for you.

Maybe you've heard that before but still had issues, problems, and things in life that you just haven't been able to resolve.

Most women who find me are frustrated because they have done tons of work on themselves and still don't know HOW THEY CREATE as a visionary.

What they truly desire is the deep knowing and relief of being able to bridge the gaps of where they are now and what they know is possible.

Having the superpower of being a visionary is not always easy, but it is  fulfilling on the deepest level when you discover and become masterful with your unique abilities.

During EVOLVE you'll be lead through a process of uncovering the untruths you've been living by, release them, and bring home the life you truly desire.
You know, the one that's been calling to you, well if you are reading this, now it's time integrate it into the present moment.  This your sign from your future self.

This is what you will explore at EVOLVE.

Pragmatic + quantum + energetic tools and practices along with Cory's energetic capacities, plus a community of magical visionary women (and men) who have your back!
  • MAGIC: Open the flood gates for The Magic You Know Is Possible In Your Life?
  • CLARITY: Get Real Clarity About Your Life’s Greater Purpose?
  • ​INTUITIVE AWARENESS: Tap Directly Into Your Intuition So You Can Make Choices & Take Action With Certainty?
  • ​ACTUALIZE: Embody Confidence that what you desire will become real?
  • PURE JOY: ​ Have Joy And Adventure Every Day Of Your Life?
  • KNOWING: How to shift your frequency to be congruent with the next evolution of your life.
  • FREEDOM: To be the next version of you with confidence no matter how different it might be from who you have been in the past?
"When you stop trying to fix yourself, you can become who you came to be"
- Cory Michelle
That requires less hustle, and more flow
Over the last 20 years, I have worked with thousands of visionaries, healers, leaders, and entrepreneurs. Helping them to master their intuition and use that to manifest whatever they know in their being is possible. 

Vibrant health, a life of wealth and luxury, an amazing partner, adventures with close friends…and do it with ease. 

But not just that... many of my clients have bigger visions and know they are here to contribute to creating a different world.

The key is to evolve yourself and your life and become masterful with knowing how to create with energy, frequency, and not get knocked back by doubt, and the swirl of the world. 

You'll tune in to your own intuitive powers like you've never done before, tapping a well-spring from which you can REALize the visions you are aware of... the new realities you came to create and the bonus of anything you desire.
As a result of attending one of my events, 
clients have seen results like these…
  • Created a global brand, and is now making 3x the revenue she was before.
  • Left her teaching job, created a business she was passionate about, and attracted the most amazing, kind man.
  • ​Left the small town in Canada she was living in, traveled the world, and made more money in 2 months that she had in the last 2 years
  • ​Left her low paying job and got off four medications.
  • Replaced her stressful job with one that’s fun and creative.
  • Doubled revenue in 1/2 the time.
  • ​Being in an abusive relationship to divorced and having $10k a month.
  • ​Overall knowing HOW they uniquely create, which is priceless.
  • ​Plus many more that you’ll hear about (and some you’ll get to meet) at the event…
How does this work?
You'll experience your evolution at Evolve!

Cory, Why Is EVOLVE Free?
If you’ve followed me for a while you’ll know that it’s rare that I offer free live events.  For most of my events the investment is over $1000 to attend.

This time I’ve decided to do something a little bit different, and offer this event complimentary for those who are truly ready to EVOLVE but have felt stuck or like they could use some additional support.  

Mind you...
This is not a pitch fest with multiple speakers.
This is not an event where you'll be rushing to the back of the room for some fake scarcity offer.
I don't know NLP, so won't be bringing any of those tricks.

I will bring my A game with my latest transformational experience so that by simply attending you'll have an EVOLUTION within yourself. 

Due to the potency of this transformation, there will be people in the room who are asking for more, and would like support in continuing their own momentum and evolution to fully integrate it into their lives. 

I will have an invitation to continue to work with me, through an interview process after the event.  I only take on people whom are committed to knowing they can create anything at any time.

So you can relax, and allow yourself the fullest experience possible with us.
Here’s why this event is free, this time…
  • I’m expanding my expanded brand and offerings.  My facilitation style, topics and energy has EVOLVED,  I'd like to put my light out there in its new transformed form as a statement that I. have here to serve at the highest level.   This also means I’m creating lots of new connections and relationships I find that giving (rather than taking) is a great way to start long term, meaningful relationships. It gives us the chance to get to know each other before we decide if we’d like to do more expanded work together.
  • ​I treat people the way I like to be treated. I like to get to know someone first, and see if they are the “real deal” before committing to more. I assume you feel the same way. 
  • ​I know that if you get great value from the event, and you like what you see, you may be interested in continuing to work with me after the event.
  • ​If you don’t, that’s OK. You will still have received lots of valuable tools and techniques that you can apply in your own time, and an experience that will never leave you.  And I will have hopefully made a difference in your evolution.
  • ​If you had a great experience (whether or not you choose to work with me later) you’re likely to tell others about it. A lot of my business grows by word of mouth. I find that treating others the way I like to be treated is a great way to grow a long term, sustainable business.
  • I'm expanding my brand and offerings. My facilitation style, topics, and energy have EVOLVED. I'd like to put my light out there in its new transformed form as a statement that I am here to serve at the highest level.  This means I'm creating lots of new connections and relationships. I find that giving (rather than taking) is a great way to start long term, meaningful relationships. It gives us the chance to get to know each other before we decide if we'd like to do more expanded work together.
  • ​I treat people the way I like to be treated. I like to get to know someone first, and see if they are the “real deal” before committing to more. I assume you feel the same way. 
  • ​I know that if you receive great value from the event, and you like what you see, you may be interested in continuing to work with me after the event, you might already be aware you'd like to work further with me as well.
  • ​If you don’t, that’s OK. You will still have received lots of valuable tools and techniques that you can apply in your own time, and an experience that will never leave you.  And I will have hopefully made a difference in your evolution.
  • ​If you had a great experience (whether or not you choose to work with me later) you’re likely to tell others about it. A lot of my business grows by word of mouth. I find that treating others the way I like to be treated is a great way to contribute in the greatest way possible, and fulfill my vision.
  • ​I cannot guarantee any future event will be free, so if this is something that is calling you, get yourself there... as we know, that's a nudge from the universe.
Who receives the most from EVOLVE?
.The workshop is designed for:
  • Brilliant women (and some men!) who know magical living is possible and are ready to go beyond any story/limitation to have it.
  • ​You have done TONS of work on yourself already. Likely spent thousands, or more on classes, healings, programs, certifications, the whole 9 yards.
  • You know you're here to live more than a normal life, and are ready to "go there' with me in this process.
  • ​You are over the resistance, drama, stories that keep repeating in your life.
  • ​You simply know more is possible, and know you are here in this lifetime to make an impact and leave a legacy (in you unique way)
What Are The Days Like?
The 3-day live event will run from 8:45am to approximately 6pm each day.

Saturday night you are invited to the popular Future Self Event + Activation that is $65, or included in the VIP option, and it goes from 7-9pm.  

Sunday evening we will be done by 6pm, please arrange flights accordingly, as this afternoon we will do a special energetic activation that brings your experience at EVOLVE together.
Click "reserve your seat" and you'll choose which event to attend.
If you are bringing a guest you can register them after you have registered yourself and clicked the “Submit” button.

“Manifestation begins with the willingness to make room in our beliefs for something that supposedly doesn’t exist. We create that “something” through the force of consciousness and awareness.” 
- Gregg Braden
What are the times of the event?
All times are on the next page.
Choose USA or Australia times ;-)
Can I invite friends?
YES! And we highly recommend it. This process will be even more potent if you have someone in your life that goes through it with you.
Yes! Simply copy this page url and sent it to them to register for a donation!

Currency adjustments
If you live in Australia, Canada, New Zealand or India, Mexico you can use our currency adjustment code that allows for the discrepancy between your currency and the US dollar.

Use code at checkout: MILLIONS

Questions?  Email us here

How long will I have access to the videos?
You'll have access to the videos for as long as we have our member's area up.
How will we clear energetic patterns?
In this course we will empower your choice to let any and all energetic patterns, stories and limitations go. Choice is your trump card, and we will show you a way to create that allows you to come out of the spin of clearing all the time, and into creating what you desire. No more years of emotional processing to move beyond energetic blocks holding you back.
What if it doesn't work for me?
What you're really are asking, is, DO I REALLY WORK?
YES, friggin' HECK YES! You do. 
This program invites you to go from where you are now and evolve to the next version of yourself.
The question is, are you willing to start believing in you?
If you are, I can contribute.
“If not now, when? If not you, who?”

― Hillel the Elder
The testimonials on this website are from real and satisfied clients. However their results may not be your results. Specific results can not be guaranteed and results may vary from person to person.

Cory Michelle Intl' & Crazy Possible - COPYRIGHT @ 2018 - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 
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