This course is designed to open up more consciousness in your world about how you actually create, and awareness of what you know and the freedom to create anything at any time.
I am not a Guru, this course is a combination of my personal awarenesses from changing my entire life, going from $150,000 debt, struggle and poverty consciousness, to having ease with money, creation and joy of living. I have taken countless programs, read a godzillion books, had healings and cleared a bajillion things. And realized that what create the most for me was stepping into BEing the one who chooses to create what I become aware of that is possible. When I began teaching people what I was doing, it was amazing to see them have similar results. Clarity, congruency, harmony in their true self, and their lives naturally became better, more fulfilling and problems began to disappear. Lives they dreamed up began appearing, organically and naturally.
As if that life was awaiting them.
This course is not about fixing anything, not about changing your current life. It's also not about clearing til the cows come home. It's pragmatic, to the point and we leave drama/trauma and stories at the door and invite you to BE the one who has everything actualize.
Studying about consciousness, quantum mechanics, quantum physics, metaphysical and traditional life creation tactics, I realized that how each person creates is unique, the unvierse is our delivery system, but when a being becomes congruent with what they came to be, the universe delivers a life beyond imagination.
I facilitate you having that, like a guide, opening up doorways, and you get to walk through.
I am psychic, a healer, and a human lie detector (don't be afraid, it makes me really good at finding the lies you tell yourself!).
This course is great for people who have done their internal work and would like to activate the magic of creation and end the struggle of actualizing possibilities.We use a variety of universal principals, your awareness, quantum physics and other creation tools to step into creating your future. I believe that
NOW is the time for us Unicorns to create new realities. This means that lack, poverty thinking and being is no longer a place anyone has to be.
At this time, we have access to creating ANYTHING, the questions are:
- Is now the time for you?
- What magic and gifts do you have to bring to the planet?
- Are you willing to be the brilliance you truly be?